Sketchbook Investigations: More Shading...

So i've been pretty much obsessed with drawing characters ever since I've studied the different types of shading. It just makes things look so much better. I created this character that me and my brother made in this story we call "Impulse". We had a character named "Zeal" who had blue hair. So I drew him, did some shading aaaand...

Like I said I've pretty much been obsessed this past month just drawing and shading my drawings. I would first draw them by hand. Then I would take a picture of It and trace it onto photoshop and shade it however I wanted. I even drew ME

I took a picture i found of me last year and decided to shade this one with hard shading this time. Now that i'm completely comfortable with shading and coloring, I am now officially ready to start coloring in my animation.


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