End of Semester 1: Class Review

Here are my thoughts on some things people were making Liam: I really like what he's doing he's really doing some really nice stuff with all the minecraft buildings. I really like minecraft and the animations on youtube are pretty cool. Seeing him work on that is really interesting and i look forward to seeing more in the second semester. Kevin: This guy can write! I haven't done that much writing in all my blogposts combined! He can really analyze things really well and give good opinions based on facts. I should probably learn from his analysis' in order to make my own animation, Impulse better than it can be. Luke Tiday: Luke has a good mixture of work with him. I really like the animations and how he's putting it in his portfolio together. I wish i had that much work but hand animation isn't something that can be done quickly. I also really like his film "Icarus". It looks very professional with lighting, camera angles, and just overall cinimatography. Quinn Erney: Now the thing with Quinn is that he releases films just as much as Kevin writes. Quinn has a new idea for a film almost every week and has hours of total film time if you put all his films together. I really look forward to acting for more of his films in the future, the ideas he gets are really unique. Tommy: Tommy seems to be really pushing himself to finish this film he's working on. I get this sense of this is something he really wants to finish instead of starting and leaving it unfinished. I understand this completley and it's just something that artists (filmmakers and animators alike) face and have to struggle with in order to become better and more skilled. Eric: Very unique video he has. I get an "anti bullying" vibe from it. Unlike Quinn's film "Shine", this one was left unresolved and made you feel more for the victim rather than sympathy for the agressor.
